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“Jessica helped me realise my full potential in life. You have to experience it to believe it.”

Mark Ipaviz

Corporate Leader

Mark is a 41-year-old Sales Manager who had decided it was time to get his sugar cravings under control once and for all. He was ready for a healthy, sugar-free routine to keep his body – and career – on track.
“Before working with Jessica, I was always hungry, eating all day every day, with sugar cravings all the time,” says Mark. “I wanted to drop some body fat, and increase my athletic performance.”

Jessica set about giving Mark’s diet a dramatic overhaul. “We increased my protein intake, moved to a wholefood diet, and cut out all sugar other than natural sugars from fruit,” explains Mark. It was a big change for Mark, who said it came as a bit of a shock to his system.

“When I first saw the program, I thought, ‘Oh no, how am I going to adapt to eating so little food?’” laughs Mark. “I knew it would be hard work initially but once I adapted it became easy.”

Within two weeks, Mark has cut back on mealtimes from 10 times a day to 6 times per day. He also dropped over 7 kilograms in the process.

“I always had good levels of energy, but once I got my weight from 89kg down to around 85kg I really started to notice the benefits,” says Mark. “Once got down to 82kg nothing could stop me! I felt physically fit, and mentally extremely sharp.”

For Mark, cutting out sugar was just the start of an incredible, life-changing journey to better health. “Life is easier when you look and feel that good!” says Mark. “I’m physically fit, have increased mental clarity, the ability to handle life much easier, and happiness in abundance.”

On working with Jessica:

"What started as a plan to drop some weight became an increase in my athletic performance and ability to handle life better. To think so clearly and be so happy is something not many people get to achieve unless you commit to taking total control of your nutrition.”

Mark Ipaviz

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