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“I could train better, at a higher frequency.”

Rohan Browning

Professional Athlete | Sprinter

For 25-year old Rohan Browning, an injury isn’t just an inconvenience – it’s something that could cost him his career. Keeping his body strong and safe was Rohan’s original reason for working with Jessica, but he ended up getting more than he bargained for with a brand new approach to maintaining good health.

“When I started with Jessica, I was searching for a holistic and detailed approach to nutrition that would adapt with the science”, says Rohan. “She wanted to really focus on my gut health by increasing colour and diversity, and incorporate nutrient timing and periodisation to my eating schedule.”

As a young and fit man, Rohan started to show immediate results. “My response was real excitement! The program was really flexible, and delivered tangible results quickly. Suddenly, I could train better, at a higher frequency.”

Whilst he notes that his cooking skills needed a bit of work  to incorporate Jessica’ recommendations, Rohan says that he never felt restricted or bored with the recipes. “I had developed strong habits and sustainable performance nutrition principles  that became fully integrated into my lifestyle,” says Rohan. “I’d never say that I ‘diet’.

Looking ahead, and Rohan  says that he has a newfound confidence in his body to sustain health and reliability at his highly competitive level. “I haven’t been sick or injured in a long time, which is so crucial for an athlete.” 

On working with Jessica:

“Jessica is totally professional, comprehensive and adaptive. She’s really collaborative, a great listener and so willing to adapt the program to the individual.”

Rohan Browning

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