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“Jess’s guidance was a game-changer for my second Ironman.”

Holly Ransom

Global Keynote Speaker

Holly Ransom, a global speaker, disruption strategist and director, was gearing up for her second Ironman triathlon when she realised she needed professional guidance. Initially, she felt quite overwhelmed by the buffet of information out there.

She also found that the advice shared were difficult to personalise especially as they all felt a bit too cookie-cutter.

“The nutrition advice out there felt conflicting and confusing, and it left me feeling a little lost and overwhelmed,” Holly recalls.

“Jess was pragmatic and took the time to understand me, my lifestyle and my unique needs, and together we explored what would work. It wasn’t just about nutrition; it was about understanding my lifestyle and goals.” Holly explains.

Under Jessica’s guidance, Holly learned to fuel her body effectively for performance.

“Jess really taught me the intricacies of sports nutrition, which made a huge difference in my training and performance.”

“I enjoyed working with Jess. It was enlightening to learn so much about my body and how to fuel it right,” she shares. The most significant change for Holly was a deeper understanding of sports nutrition, which she applied to performance.

On working with Jessica:

“Jessica is totally professional, comprehensive and adaptive. She’s really collaborative, a great listener and so willing to adapt the program to the individual.”

Holly Ransom

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