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Performance Nutrition Resources & Recipes


The Performance Nutrition Resources & Recipes eBook was created by leading Advanced Sports Dietitian Jess Spendlove to help people of all levels learn how to fuel their wellbeing and performance through food. The author has put the key learnings from more than 30 seasons of professional sport and put them in to a series of eBooks.

This eBook has more than 50 pages of information, education and recipes to help you fuel yourself for best performance in sport and life! It includes more than 30 recipes and resources showing you how to adjust your intake based on different training demands. There are also helpful resources showcasing you different types of carbohydrates and a protein guide (how to get 15 grams of animal and plant protein).



Performance Nutrition Resources & Recipes eBook Outline

CHAPTER 1 – Adjusting Intake for Training

CHAPTER 2 – Breakfast recipes

CHAPTER 3 – Main meal recipes

CHAPTER 4 – Snack recipes

CHAPTER 5 – Smoothie recipes

Check out the other nutrition eBooks in the range.

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