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Jess Spendlove is a trusted expert frequently featured in national publications, print media, and TV, and a regular guest on podcasts. In 2023, she launched Stay at the Top, a podcast delivering science-backed strategies and practical tips for achieving sustainable success and  enhanced longevity.

Enjoy browsing our media features below, or click through to read more from Jessica in her blog.

Podcast Features

You may have also seen (or heard) Jess at…

Guest speaker on:

Podcast Features

As seen on leading Australian and International tV and news publications:

Media Features

A good night’s sleep starts during the day

How to go booze-free and make the most of Dry July

So, you've run that race. Now what?

5 ways to spring clean your diet and reboot...

HIIT and TRE are an invincible duo for effective weight loss

Your dietitian-approved guide to avoiding and recovering from a food coma

Media Features

Regular Collaborator With:

The microbiome and mental wellbeing

How To Optimize Your Energy And Focus...

TV & Video

National Television & Video Features:

TV & Video

Elevate your performance & wellbeing with tailored strategies.