
Quiz Results

The Ticking Time Bomb

11% of total respondents are Ticking time bombs.

As a high performer, you’re accustomed to pushing the limits, but it’s crucial to recognise that you are your most valuable asset. Currently, you’re teetering on the edge, dangerously close to burnout or a breakdown. It’s time to hit pause and start prioritising your wellbeing with one small strategy at a time. Immediate action is needed to reset and recalibrate, ensuring that your drive for success doesn’t compromise your health and longevity in your field.

You’re one stressful event away from a potential setback, but that doesn’t mean it’s too late to take control. By acknowledging this, you’ve taken the first step towards improvement. Focus on identifying the areas in your life where stress might be accumulating, whether it’s work, relationships, or personal habits, and take active measures to address them.

There are significant gains available to you, and they don’t require drastic alterations to your life. Start with small, manageable changes that align with your goals, such as adjusting your sleep routine, incorporating relaxation techniques, or modifying your diet. These seemingly minor tweaks can have an immediate positive impact on your well-being and set you on a path to long-term success.

Your current situation may feel challenging, but with the right support and strategy tailored to your situation, you can transform your life for the better.

Embrace the opportunity to make meaningful changes now, and you’ll soon notice a remarkable difference in your physical and cognitive performance.

All you need is to find the first domino to push in the right direction and you will build momentum quickly

Do you need help with the first step in the right direction?

Because what got you here, won't get you there.

As a Ticking Time Bomb, I have two coaching options suitable for you.

Premium 1:1 coaching program

Best suited for the high performer wanting a high-touch, personalised program tailored to them. I have limited spaces available for my high touch 1:1 Premium Coaching so apply now to see if we’re a good fit, and let’s unleash the high-performance human in you.

Strategy session

Quick and impactful sessions to get fast wins and easy-to-implement strategies, that have a big impact. Discover leading-edge performance strategies without a long-term commitment.

Recommended Reading and Listening

Stay At The Top - Episode 1

How to leverage nutrition for high performance

Stay At The Top - Episode 3

Metrics that ACTUALLY matter for wellbeing and success

The winning diet: foundational elements for fuelling high performance

Navigating the world of high performance – be it in sports or business – calls for a fine-tuned balance of several critical elements.

Stay At The Top - Episode 18

The first step I take with all my high performing clients

Stay At The Top - Episode 17

How Elite Athletes Use Nutrition to Perform – and How You Can Too.

A nutritional guide to keep your brain sharp – business edition

In our high-paced business world, executives and entrepreneurs constantly seek ways to enhance their mental prowess and maintain cognitive health.

About Jess Spendlove

Jess Spendlove is a specialist in nutrition and high-performing behaviours. Put simply, she will get you to the top of your game, whatever that game might be. For some, it’s a very literal game: from AFL to netball, Jess has worked with elite athletes competing at national and international levels. For others, it’s the corporate game: balancing highly competitive professional environments with a lifestyle that allows success to happen.

Jess has spent her career perfecting a lifestyle overhaul that’s inspired by winners, for winners.

Jess will teach you not only how to climb to the top of the ladder, but also stay there by harnessing your natural energy centres – food, sleep, and mindset. Whether you are a football player, entrepreneur, CEO, or high school swim star, your motivation is the same: you want to win. And Jess is here to show you how.

Got a question? Connect with Jess

High Performance Quiz

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What does your food intake look like throughout the day?*
Choose the one that best describes you

Take the High Performance Profile Quiz

Get a pulse check on your current habits and routines with your nutrition, sleep, movement, hydration and more. Are you the Over-achiever, the All-or-Nothing Human, or the Ticking Time Bomb?

Identify your profile and get tailored steps to elevate your energy and sustain your success.